Further Reading
The following resources are recommended for further information on women in the Soviet Union. If a resource is available in the UT Libraries' catalog, a link to the appropriate catalog record is included:
- Bonnell, V. E. (1991). The representation of women in early soviet political art. The Russian Review, 50(3), 267.
- Carlback, H. (2002). Visions of a new society: Women and family in early soviet law. Nordisk Øst-Forum, 16(1), 65.
- Goldman, W. Z. (1993). Women, the state, and revolution: Soviet family policy and social life, 1917-1936. New York, New York, USA;Cambridge;: Cambridge University Press.
- Hurych, J., Rupp, R., & Goldstein, B. (1997). Women in russian and soviet history: Works published in the early 1990s-selected bibliography. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 15(2), 21-35. doi:10.1300/J103v15n02_02
- Koenker, D. P. (1995). Men against women on the shop floor in early soviet russia: Gender and class in the socialist workplace. The American Historical Review, 100(5), 1438-1464. doi:10.2307/2169865
- Krylova, A. (2010). Soviet women in combat: A history of violence on the eastern front. Cambridge;New York;: Cambridge University Press.
- Mickenberg, J. L. (2017). American girls in red russia : Chasing the soviet dream. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
- Sibiriak, V. (1932). The working woman in the soviet union Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the U.S.S.R.
- Women in the soviet union: Two impressions of the all-russian congress of worker & peasant women [by G. G. L. alexander and F. niurina] with an account of the conference of women members of the delegations to russia at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the revolution (1929). . New York: Workers Library Publishers.
- Wood, E. A., 1958. (1997). The baba and the comrade: Gender and politics in revolutionary russia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press